Ever look at books from the character's perspective? That's what Townley asks you to do in The Great Good Thing. Characters are poised for the arrival of a reader. As soon as the book is cracked open, they shout to each other and scurry into place to begin telling the story. If a reader should turn a few pages back, they rush to get to that part of the story. The characters love their story and are proud of it and feel quite insulted if a reader should sully the pages. But all this is done unbeknownst to the reader -- usually.
It all started when Sylvie wanted something different to happen. She loved her story and all. Afterall, she was the star. But she'd been doing it forever and she wanted the glass lake to turn to stone, just once, or for her marriage to Prince Riggeloff to be thrown. She saw her chance when.... Aza's kindness, humility and gradual recognition of her own self-worth contributes an important message about the value of inner beauty, no matter how well hidden.
Review by D.