Booklists for children who are under age 8 Booklists for children who are aged 8 thru 10 Booklists for children who are advanced readers from around 10 and up Picture book recommendations for children and adults of all ages

Picture Book List 2008

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There's No Such Thing as a Dragon

bookWhen Billy Bixbee tells his mom that he found a dragon, his mom tells him, “There’s no such thing as a dragon!” This only makes the dragon get bigger. Uh oh.
by Jack Kent

Calico Cows

book The misadventures of a colorful lemming-like group of cows who must learn to think for themselves when their leader, Bertha, is taken away for the day to the county fair.
by Arlene Dubanevich

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

bookThis book has been the #1 choice of young parents for many years and it's reputation is still going strong. Try all the "If You.. " books. Visit the Series Site.
by Laura Numeroff

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