Booklists for children who are under age 8 Booklists for children who are aged 8 thru 10 Booklists for children who are advanced readers from around 10 and up Picture book recommendations for children and adults of all ages

Middle Reader Book List 2007

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The Doll People

bookAnnebelle had been 8-years-old for 100 years and things were getting pretty boring -- then the Funcrafts moved in and she got a taste of what it feels like to be an angry doll.
by Ann Martin


bookThe BFG drops dreams in children's ears, lives in a cave and has strange eating habits, but when it comes to protecting children, he'll even go to the Queen for help.
by Roald Dahl

A Street Through Time

bookTracks a single street over 1000 years using vivid illustrations to depict the transformation from stone age to bustling metroplis.
by Anne Millard

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