Booklists for children who are under age 8 Booklists for children who are aged 8 thru 10 Booklists for children who are advanced readers from around 10 and up Picture book recommendations for children and adults of all ages

Early Reader Book List

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Cam Jansen

bookA young reader's mystery series starring a girl with a photographic memory told with humor in a contemporary setting. Cam is loyal and can-do, and provides a positive example of how to treat others in elementary school.
by David A. Adler

Magic Tree House Series

bookAre you ready for this journey? After reading the bulk of this fascinating, page-turner series, you'll be up on historic events and become a more solid reader.
by Mary Pope Osborne

My Father's Dragon

bookTracks a quest by a boy (named "Father") who saves a dragon from dastardly foes, including a tiger, using bubblegum and lollipops.
by Ruth Stiles Gannett

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