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Early Reader Book List

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Poppleton Kids Early ReaderSimple language, and humor showcase Poppleton Pig and his friends in merry adventures. Rylant is known for early readers that are full of fun and intelligence, and cozy holiday and seasonal depictions.
by Cynthia Rylant

Kermit the Hermit

Peet Kids Early ReaderA greedy crab wiggles out of a tight situation with a new compassion that helps a dog and two children, told with snug-fitting rhymes. Peet is one of our most popular writer/illustrators.
by Bill Peet

Munsch Treasury

Munsch Kids Early ReaderWildly ingenious humor in Munsch's absurd plots, such as "50-Below-Zero" or "Samantha's Ponytail." Read single-stories or collections.
by Robert Munsch

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